Go shopping for Tucson nonprofits. 10 Tucson organizations with Amazon Wish Lists

Amazon Wish Lists have become popular in the nonprofit world and make it easy for you to donate

Gloria Knott

Animal enrichment

From parrot toys to reptile lamps, fans of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum have the opportunity to donate directly to the critters through the museum’s Amazon Wish List.

In recent years, nonprofits — including many in Tucson — have hopped on Amazon to create lists of items they need. Think wedding registries, but for nonprofits.

And the process for the donor is simple: Log into your Amazon account, scroll through the wish list and purchase whatever items you'd like. From there, the items are shipped directly to the organization.

“We started doing it because our philanthropy team saw an opportunity we weren’t utilizing and jumped on it,” the Desert Museum’s marketing manager Kat Rumbley said in an email.

“It has become quite popular industry-wide to create wish lists; so many people use that platform,” she says, adding that wish lists provide people with a “fun way to get involved.”

International Rescue Committee Tucson created their Amazon Wish Lists after seeing the success that other IRC locations had with the platform.

The local branch found that the use of Amazon Wish Lists has helped donors become more connected to those involved in the organization.

Aside from wish lists, when Amazon shoppers use smile.amazon.com, a small portion of the proceeds is donated to a charity of their choice.

Below are 10 local organizations that have Amazon Wish Lists or AmazonSmile Charity Lists set up for the community:

Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum

The Desert Museum, located on Tucson's west side, is home to near-endless plants and animals, including a mountain lion, javelinas, bobcats and stingrays.

Items on the museum's wish list include aquarium decor, enrichment toys for birds, hand sanitizer, first aid supplies, and electronic items.

International Rescue Committee Tucson

The International Rescue Committee Tucson offers programs such as education and legal services to refugees, helping them “gain control of their future,” according to the IRC website.

Items on the IRC's wish lists include hygiene products, household items, gardening tools and clothes.

Humane Society of Southern Arizona

The Humane Society of Southern Arizona provides veterinary services and helps adopt pets to the community.

Items on the Humane Society's wish list include dog treats, pet toys, medical care products, office supplies and items that help foster families.

Casa de los Niños

Casa de los Niños helps support children and families with intervention, treatment and prevention services.

Items on the organization's wish list include sensory toys, hygiene products, baby items and school supplies.