Burger Restaurant Business Plan [Sample Template]

Burger Restaurant Business


Are you about starting a burger restaurant? If YES, here’s a complete sample burger restaurant business plan template & feasibility report you can use for FREE to get started .

Okay, so we have considered all the requirements for starting a burger restaurant. We have analyzed and drafted a sample burger restaurant marketing plan backed up by actionable guerrilla marketing ideas for burger restaurants. So let’s proceed to the business planning section.

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Why Start a Burger Restaurant Business?

Generally, burger restaurants are chain and franchised restaurants that mainly sell burgers but may also sell alcoholic and other beverages. Burger restaurant formats range from fast-food to full-service. Right from the beginning, burgers have been a staple American snack.

Burger restaurants don’t need to make anything other than really good burgers and really good fries. They are quite easy to make and don’t take much time to get ready. All you need is meat, buns, and fresh ingredients and you can make a wonderful burger in minutes, while other restaurants may need several minutes to prepare and serve their dishes.

Within the years, burger restaurants have improved. The days of simple cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato, and ketchup has long gone.

The industry is currently relishing an era of gourmet burgers and endless flavour profiles. So, just because you’re running a burger restaurant doesn’t mean that your food should be plain or simple. Most burger places today offer special sauces, gourmet toppings, and unexpected combinations.

This is indeed a business you should consider if you’re looking to venture into the food industry. With a burger business, you don’t have to worry about limiting your market to only meat lovers as there are many excellent veggie patties hitting menus everywhere that will please any veggie-lover out there.

In this modern age, it is very common to see lamb burgers, pork burgers, and even bison burgers. People who don’t eat beef can try a juicy chicken burger; if you’re pescatarian, you’ll love a salmon burger. Irrespective of your dietary restriction, there is a burger that comfortably suits your appeal. Read on as we put together a sample business plan for a burger restaurant.

A Sample Burger Restaurant Business Plan Template

1. Industry Overview

The burger industry of this modern era is nothing near the industry some two decades back. Hamburger franchises have spread across the united states and have continued to explore innovative ways to turn their customers into loyal burger-fanatics.

But when it comes to a good hamburger, Americans are known to be very careful and selective. A report has it that 75% of burger-lovers rank the quality of the meat as the first or second most important attribute to their burger. Second in line were toppings, ranked either first or second place by 42% of consumers.

Although the price and affordability of the burger is considered, high-quality ingredients are still very important in producing a successful burger business. Americans to a very large extent live on burgers and are known to go for the best.

Statistics show that nearly 80% of consumers eat at fast food restaurants at least once a month, and 34% of kids in the US eat fast food every day – and that’s not including the massive number of people eating at fast casual restaurants.

Burger in the United States is now seen a food that represents patriotism and festivity. They are always present at large family gatherings, particularly Fourth of July and Memorial Day celebrations. Given the timelessness of this All-American classic, it’s no wonder that the hamburger stands as one of the few “recession-proof” foods in the United States.

But note that with America’s fight against obesity, e-coli concerns, mad cow disease, and the recent go-green campaign, the burger industry has its own share of challenges and threats. Yet statistics has it that Americans tastes are becoming more diverse and varied.

Burger has always remained top in the minds of Americans, and the reason for this longevity is most times attributed to its widespread appeal. Burgers are affordable, portable, and customizable and they can be served gourmet-style or as a rustic yet classic go-to food.

2. Executive Summary

Star Burger will offer the people of San Diego an exciting menu of burgers, sandwiches, salads, desserts and coffee beverages. We plan to make use of a system that is entirely new to the industry to provide excellent services and products in a convenient and time-efficient way.

Star Burger will provide its customers with the opportunity to drive up and place their order of well-prepared burgers and sandwiches of different flavours and toppings. We also plan to offer our clients well blended lemonade, coffees, teas, and other custom drinks to go down with our unique burger and sandwiches. We will also offer soft drinks, fresh-baked pastries and other confections.

We at Star Burger plan to reach our targeted audience by deploying Drive-through facilities and Mobile Restaurants to satisfy the various urge of the people of San Diego, California. We believe that these facilities will be designed to manage the two-sided traffic and dispense customer-designed, specially ordered burgers and sandwiches in less time than when they visit other businesses.

Star Burger hopes to provide the people of San Diego with quality products and an extensive menu of delicious items, to make sure we get our customers’ loyalty, as well as good publicity coverage and media support.

We decided to become a Drive-through cafe between the mountains, attracting several million dollars through an initial public or private offering that would allow Star Burger to open fifteen to twenty facilities per year in all metropolitan communities in the North, Midwest, and South.

Star Burger will be registered as a Limited Liability Corporation, but all membership shares for now will be owned by Sampson and Nicky Shepard, and we also plan to leverage a portion of the shares to raise capital. Our plan at Star Burger is to sell 100 membership units to family members, friends, and angel investors.

Each membership unit at Star Burger is priced at $3,087 with a minimum of five units per membership certificate, or a minimum investment of $61,740 per investor. We have plans to ensure that irrespective of the amount of share units bought, Sampson and Nicky Shepard will maintain ownership of no less than 51% of Star Burger.

3. Our Products and Services

Star Burger is a San Diego burger and assorted sandwich restaurant serving during lunch time hour as well as early evening. We would operate weekdays from 9-7 pm. Our bread is chosen for several reasons: it is unique, healthy, and versatile.

We have prepared a menu that will give each customer the choice to enjoy our burgers and never get tired. We will attract 35% new customers a year after the second year and will reach profitability by the end of year two. Below are the products we plan to offer to our customers:

4. Our Mission and Vision Statement

Our Business Structure

We at Star Burger plan to establish a business structure that is transparent and simple, since most of our personnel will be involved in production and there will be a relatively low headcount in management. We plan to establish three functioning units within Star Burger: Production, Sales and Marketing, and General and Administrative.

Star Burger Production unit will involve our Customer Service Specialists, who will be taking care of our Drive-through and Mobile Restaurants and attending to the needs of our customers. Our Sales and Marketing will take care of the promotion and scheduling of the Mobile Restaurant, as well as the promotion of the Drive-through and the Community Contribution program.

General and Administrative will take care of the facilities, equipment, inventory, payroll, and other basic, operational processes. Due to our goal to establish a unique burger restaurant in the United States, we took our time to lay out the various roles of our employees and what we need, and they include;

5. Job Roles and Responsibilities

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Operating officer

Chief Financial officer

Chief Information officer

Director of sales and marketing

District and facilities manager

Customer Service Specialists


6. SWOT Analysis

Our goal at Star Burger is to create a unique restaurant that sees to the need of the people. We also decided to get our SWOT Analysis, which brings to light our strengths and threats in the industry. We at Star Burger hired a business consultant to do this analysis for us because we believe an external firm will not compromise the information and chances of Star Burger in the Industry.

We were able to note our business strengths, weakness, opportunities and also the threats that we are likely going to be exposed to in the industry and our business location. Clearly summarized below is the result of our SWOT Analysis;

Our detailed SWOT analysis has identified three keys that will be instrumental to our success at Star Burger. First and foremost, our design and implementation of strict financial controls, which will be very crucial, since the restaurant industry is quite competitive.

Secondly, we will be offering high-quality fresh and healthy food to clearly stand out from our competition in San Diego. We have already put in place effective, targeted marketing campaigns to support the opening of the restaurant.

Our weakness according to the SWOT analysis will be the time it will take the people of San Diego to know where we are and what we offer.

People go about their daily activities and most times tend not to discover the new business in town unless the business establishes a direct marketing Plan. We at Star Burger plan to start advertising even before we open up our shops, at least to make sure that our brand is known.

Indeed the opportunities available to Star Burger are limitless. The food and restaurant industry is a recession-proof industry that will always keep growing because people will always want food as it helps keep us alive and sane. People may no always have the time to cook due to their schedule, and will always decide to grab a burger and a cup of lemonade or coffee on their way to work.

Our threat at Star Burger is the fact that we are competing with already established restaurants in San Diego, California, and also there are other entrepreneurs who are likely going to launch similar business within the location of our business.

But with our unique workforce and plans, we have all it takes to dominate the industry and take up enough market share.


Burgers in this new age are indulgent and upscale with a variety of toppings, including goat cheese, truffle oil, foie gras, aolis, marmalades, sautéed spinach, havarti, candied bacon and other healthy and exotic toppings. Burger blends are all the rage extending beyond traditional chuck, to include short rib, brisket, oxtail, rib eye, flank and much more.

A report has it that 2018 is the year for everything from giant, premium burgers to sliders and mini-portions, from bold Mexican and Asian flavours to Korean, Greek, Cajun, and more. International flavours are hot and growing, and the burger is the perfect vehicle to test drive and transport many flavours.

Report also has it that restaurants are beefing up menu language to highlight protein grams and adding protein topper boosters such as pastrami, bacon and pepperoni, as well as including lettuce wrapped options to increase the protein to carb ratio.

In line with the trend for more protein, eggs are topping off many burgers for 2018. Also the largest age segment of the American population is driving burger trends now and certainly into the future with their desire for global flavours, snack-sized portions (sliders), and healthy options and toppings.

From emphasizing and bolstering “protein” on menus, consumer geared messaging is also focused on other health oriented topics and features, including grass fed, organic, natural, gluten free, naked (no bun), and more.

We at Star Burger plan to always work with customers on additional blends, which can include anything. Burger epitomizes the perfect vehicle to adapt to new trends and international flavours. As a business’s that wants to become a market leader in the United States, we will focus our energy at working with customers to develop new blends and visions

8. Our Target Market

Our plan at Star Burger is to focus on two different market audiences: Commuters and Captive Consumers. We have taken our time to strategically design our business to access both of these markets. Commuters are defined as any one or more individuals in a motorized vehicle traveling from point “A” to point “B.”

Star Burger’s greatest concentration will be on commuters heading to or from work, or those out on their lunch break. While our Captive Consumers market audience would include those who are tethered to a campus environment, or in a restricted entry environment that does not give the right to free movement.

This will include high school and college campuses, where there is limited time between classes, and corporate campuses where the same time constraints are involved like special events–such as carnivals, fairs or festivals–where there is an admission price to enter the gate, but exiting would mean another admission fee, or where refreshments are an integral part of the festivities.

Our target market at Star Burger will also be the mobile individual who has more money than time, and excellent taste in choice of food, but no time to prepare them.

Our competitive advantage

Our competitions at Star Burger exist in many forms. They include fast food that takes the form of the traditional restaurants like McDonald’s, Burger King, and Wendy’s, as well as healthier alternatives like Subway. There are also three different delis located in San Diego that serve deli style sandwiches. These delis serve very basic, standard deli fare; generally sliced deli meats.

But we at Star Burger know that with the unique offerings we bring, we can dominate the market especially with a business that can provide a substantial value proposition where a customer does not have to find a parking place, exit the vehicle, stand in line to order, wait for the burger to be produced, pay a premium price for average product, find a place to sit, clean up the previous customer’s mess, then enjoy their lemonade or coffee… That’s if they have much time to spend.

Star Burger business concept is to establish a restaurant that gives a customer the opportunity to drive up, place the order, receive a high quality product at a competitive price, and drive away, without spending much time and energy. We at Star Burger plan to provide an important community value for patronizing our business.

For every purchase a customer makes from us, we plan to donate up to 6% of the sale to the local charity selected by the customer.


Star Burger is a new restaurant with a unique plan to achieve success and become an industry leader. That is why we will be providing our products in the most convenient and efficient way available–either at one of our two-sided Drive-through shops, or at one of our Mobile Restaurant.

This will give us an advantage over our competitors because customers won’t need to find a parking place, wait in a long line, jockey for a seat, and clean up the mess left by a previous patron. Our goal at Star Burger is to provide enough income to be able to run our business and still move on with our charity aspect. We plan to generate income by offering the following products to the people of San Diego:

10. Sales Forecast

Star Burger will open its doors for business by having two Drive-through locations in operation. We plan to open our first location in the second month of this plan and be fully operational beginning on the 1st day of November, and our second Drive-through will open six months later.

We will also add two more Drive-through locations in our second year and, and an additional seven Drive-through facilities in our third year. We at Star Burger plan to deploy one mobile unit in the fourth quarter of the first fiscal year. Deploy a second and a third mobile unit within our second fiscal year.

Using our detailed research and analysis, we expect to boost revenue from the commerce portion of our website, where it will sell Star Burger t-shirts, sweatshirts, insulated lemonade mugs, pre-packaged coffee beans, and other premium items. Although we are not expecting this to be a significant profit centre immediately, but it is a major part of the marketing plan.

We at Star Burger estimate that our total first year sales should reach $399,678. Our second year will see sales increase to $1,085,430. The third year, with the addition of such a significant number of outlets, we will see sales increase to $3,765,215.

With so many burger franchises and independent restaurants already open, marketing is one of the most important aspects of opening a burger restaurant. We at Star Burger understand this, which is why we will be placing our Drive-through stands in business locations of very high visibility and great ease of access.

Our Restaurants and stands will be located on high traffic commuter routes and close to shopping facilities so as to attract customers going to or from work, or while they are out for lunch, or on a shopping expedition. Our Drive-through will be very simple, astounding, and eye-catching.

We also plan to implement a low cost advertising/promotion campaign which could involve drive-time radio, but not much more. Star Burger will also establish good business relationships with schools, charities and corporations to provide significant free publicity because of our community support program.

We believe that if we give out charitable contributions to these institutions, they will get the word out to their students/faculty/employees/partners about Star Burger.

We also plan to leverage the use of word of mouth advertising method, which is the greatest advertising program any business organisation can use. The media in San Diego will be more than willing to promote the charitable parts of Star Burger and give us the opportunity for more exposure each moment Star Burger contributes to charity.

The internet is a powerful marketing tool we at Star Burger cannot afford to overlook. We plan to create an optimized website to capture local searches and also establish a strong social media presence to easily boost sales. When we first open, we plan to create a local press release, run grand opening specials to draw in potential customers, and even invite local food bloggers to come try a free meal in exchange for a review.

11. Publicity and Advertising Strategy

Our plan at Star Burger is to gather enough brand awareness to leverage the product line into other regions and gain inquiries from potential inventors. To achieve this goal, we plan to do the following;

12. Our Pricing Strategy

We haven’t gone back on our promise to leave no stone unturned in our quest to achieve our business goal. We at Star Burger have put plans in place to boost our income, which may include posting specials on high-profit items at the drive-up window.

We also plan to give out free burger coupons to those who have purchased a certain number of burgers or something similar.

Our management have been able to develop window sales techniques such as our sellers asking if the customer would like a new flavour or toppings with any drink of their choice. We believe that our pricing will be comparable to the competition in the market, but with the value-added feature of immediate, drive-through service and convenience.

Our payment options at Star Burger will be all inclusive and acceptable because we understand that different people prefer different payment options. Here are the payment options that we will make available to our clients;

We have also chosen banking platforms that will help us achieve our plans with little or no issues. Our bank account numbers will be made available on our website and promotional materials to clients who may want to deposit cash or make online transfer for our service.

13. Startup Expenditure (Budget)

First and foremost, many factors in our modern America will decide the amount we will need to successfully launch Star Burger. These factors may include our location, the size of the business we want to start i.e. the number of outlets/stands et al, and of course the state of the economy as at when we intend starting the business.

We at Star Burger have conducted an extensive research and have come up with how we intend to spend our startup capital, and they include;

Going by the report from our research and feasibility studies, we will need an average of $350,000 to start Star Burger.

Star Burger will be established as a Limited Liability Company with Sampson and Nicky Shepard as its owners. This couple has a combined 25 years’ experience in the food and burger industry, and they hope to build a successful business. We hope to raise our startup fund through the following ways;

Note: We have been able to raise $200,000 from the personal savings of our founders and we are almost at the verge of completing the money needed as capital from a reliable Angel investor with an eye for startup businesses.

14. Sustainability and Expansion Strategy

We at Star Burger believe that as time and seasons change, we will be offering products that will enhance sales and satisfy our customers’ desires. We also plan that during summer months, we will subsidize frozen drinks like lemonade, as well as soft drinks, and other cold beverages.

We at Star Burger have taken our time to research our local regulatory agencies and what licenses we need. These requirements we believe will vary by location, but we have a strong relationship through Mr. Sampson Shepard with the state chamber of commerce and health department and we plan to stay on the right side of the law.

We have put plans in place to get our business license, which legally allows us to make sales and collect sales tax, and a food handling certification, which we have acquired. We have also obtained the needed permits for construction and we are also expecting an inspection from the health department.

We at Star Burger also understand the importance of insurance for our business. We have contracted an insurance lawyer to help us get property insurance, which will help protect our building and surrounding property, providing coverage for fire, hail, or accidental damage.

We expect this type of policy to cover expensive commercial kitchen equipment, so we will be able to replace pieces damaged under covered circumstances.

We also plan to obtain liability insurance, as it covers legal fees and any damages that may be awarded as a result of a legal action against our business from any accidents or injuries. We will also offer worker’s compensation insurance to provide peace of mind to both the management and our employees, as it helps cover medical bills that may arise from employee injuries.

Our Drive-through stands will be manufactured by Lintel Construction. Our Mobile Restaurant and equipment will be supplied by Guarantee Savage. Star Burger computer equipment and Internet connectivity will be provided by Nicklaus Communications.


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