Monetary Policy in India: Meaning, Types, Tools & More

Monetary Policy in India

Monetary Policy in India is the lifeblood of India’s economy. As a critical economic management tool, it helps the RBI and the Government to control the supply of money, manage inflation, and achieve economic stability. This article of NEXT IAS aims to study in detail the Monetary Policy in India, its meaning, types, the process of formulation, major tools used therein, and other related concepts.

What is Monetary Policy?

It is a macroeconomic policy tool used by the Central Bank to influence the money supply in the economy to achieve certain macroeconomic goals. It involves the use of monetary instruments by the central bank to regulate the availability of credit in the market to achieve the ultimate objective of economic policy.

Objectives of Monetary Policy

Some of its major objectives are as follows:

Monetary Policy vs Fiscal Policy

The two policies differ in various respects as can be seen below.

Fiscal PolicyMonetary Policy
DefinitionIt is a macro-economic policy used by the government to adjust its spending levels and tax rates to monitor a nation’s economyIt is a macroeconomic policy used by the Central Bank to influence money supply and interest rates.
Institutional ControlControlled by the GovernmentControlled by the Central Bank
Prime ObjectiveTo influence the economic conditionTo influence the money supply and interest rates.
Major ToolsPublic Expenditure, Taxation, Public Borrowing etcBank Rate, Cash Reserve Ratio, Statutory Liquidity Ratio etc

Monetary Policy vs Fiscal Policy

Types of Monetary Policy

Broadly, there are two types of monetary policy – Expansionary Monetary Policy, and Contractionary Monetary Policy.

What is Expansionary Monetary Policy?