Free Preschool Lesson Planning Template

Free Preschool Lesson Planning Template

Do you need help organizing your lesson plans? I'm here to help. Having a plan will help you save time throughout the year.

Below you will find simple actionable tips to help you organize your lessons using a template, along with a free sample preschool lesson planning template template you can download that the end of this post.

Your lesson plans outline all of your daily activities. You can use them to record your small group and large group activities, as well as meals, and planned arts & crafts projects.

Advantages to planning your own lessons

There are many advantages to planning your own preschool lessons.

Planning your own preschool lessons allows to create more developmentally appropriate curriculum for the children in your care. You can customize your lessons around their interests, abilities, and the topics that are relevant to your area.

Instead of using your money to purchase ready-made lesson plans, you can invest your money into materials, such as books and toys that will enhance your program year after year.

Before you start planning your lessons.

  1. Decided on your Themes for the year
  2. Determined which skills your preschoolers need to learn

Using a lesson planning template

You are going to need a place to record your plans. A good template will help you stay organized throughout the year.

Free Preschool Lesson Planning Template

Use the template to record your activities for the week, as well as all of the materials you will need to have on hand.

Use it to record the books you plan to read, and the songs you plan to sing during group time.

My editable set of lesson planning templates makes it easy to record your lessons, and links to on-line resources for future reference.

Use your plans to save time